January 20, 2010

It was a truly magical night

There are times in life that when they happen you know you're going to look back on them and say, "Yeah, that was really cool!"

For conservatives and Republicans in Massachusetts, and in particular this one, last night was one of those nights.

The entire day, and in fact the entire week leading up to last nights' historic, dare I say unprecedented, election had a very surreal feel to it.  As a very good friend of mine said as he joined me for the last shift of a stand-out in front of one of my town's 4 polling stations, "Did I go to bed last night and wake-up somewhere like, I don't know, Georgia?  Or Texas?  I mean, I don't know what to think without having every other person flipping me off with PG-13 or worse language going into the polls!"

"Even stranger," I replied, "That about 3/4 of the time we're getting the 'thumbs-up' with big smiles and fist pumping.  Yeah, weird."

Then I wondered, "Maybe this is what winning an election election feels like?"  And we both shrugged.

You see, it's been a very long time - since 2002, to be precise - since a Republican won much of anything in Massachusetts.  And certainly nothing state-wide.  And even with Mitt Romney's rather shocking victory, there was never the feel, the energy, the excitement, that permeated every fiber of the campaign that culminated last night at precisely 8 PM.

I must admit though, I could get used to it.

So anyway, after collecting my town's vote totals (60% for the Senator-elect, 39% for Coakley - voter registration is 51% Indie, 32% Dem, 17% Rep) and phoning them in to what seemed like a shell shocked volunteer with the Senator-elect's (yeah, I get a leg tingle just writing that) campaign I drove over the that same friend's house to gather with fellow travelers and await what we thought would be a long night of counting.

We never dreamed that by 10 PM we'd be awaiting Martha Coakley's concession speech - which turned-out to be a very classy well delivered.  It was likely her swan-song from politics as I think it unlikely she will stand for re-election as Attorney General especially, as I also expect, she'll have at least 2 primary challengers (a couple of county DA's were eying her seat rather eagerly and I doubt they're any less hungry for it this morning).  She is now destined to be a bit of a footnote in history - the woman who lost Ted Kennedy's Senate Seat(tm) for the Democrats - and the sting of that probably won't fully develop for some time.

And so we watched the Senator-elect's (tingle) speech - honestly hoping he'd wrapped it up a little sooner (as he seemed to stray rather far off script and message) - but still savoring with great gusto the "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" quality of the new junior Senator from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Because, you see, I know Scott Brown.  Not well, we're not bowling buddies - but I have had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Scott on 2-occasions and I can tell you, with all sincerity, what you see is precisely what you get.

He is the real deal.

And he is now a national media and political star.  Deservedly so.

Not bad for a former Selectman from Wrentham, MA (pop. approx. 10,000).

It was only after I got home a little later last night that I was able to read the Senator-elect's (tingle tingle) address in whole, and I was in particular struck by how he concluded...

Fellow citizens, what happened in this election can happen all over America. We are witnesses, you and I, to the truth that ideals, hard work, and strength of heart can overcome any political machine. We ran a campaign never to be forgotten, and led a cause that deserved and received all that we could give it.

And now, because of your independence, and your trust, I will hold for a time the seat once filled by patriots from John Quincy Adams to John F. Kennedy and his brother Ted.  As I proudly take up the duty you have given me, I promise to do my best for Massachusetts and America every time the roll is called.  

I go to Washington as the representative of no faction or interest, answering only to my conscience and to the people. I’ve got a lot to learn in the Senate, but I know who I am and I know who I serve.

I’m Scott Brown,

I'm from Wrentham,

I drive a truck, and I am nobody’s senator but yours.

Indeed.  Bravo, Mr. Brown.  Well said.

So just as the original Minutemen of Massachusetts provided the stimulus leading "The Shot heard 'round the world", the independent and unenrolled voters of Massachusetts, aided by more than a few Democrats as it turns out, became today's Minutemen, offering "The Scott heard 'round the world."

It now falls to us - the independent-thinking voters of this generation - to see to it that the lessons of last night are not spun into some "Nothing to see here, move along" moment by the media guardians of the statist status quo.

But that is for tomorrow.  Today we can be satisfied with savoring the victory of a very non-squishy Republican as a Senator from the bluest of the bluest in the country.

It was his victory.

It is our victory as well.

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